Hello again,
Welcome to the third
installment of “Let’s Create A Character!”
In today’s episode we
will be discussing:
Social Background and Wealth and Influence
Social Background and Wealth and Influence

Let’s jump right into it, shall we?
Social Background
consists of 2 elements:
Tech level and
Tech Level:
Tech Level:
Tech level is the
number of the level of technological advancement. Prehistory/caveman days would
have a low tech level while future/space age would have a high tech level.
Usually the campaign
is assigned a tech level but if you want to be crazy with it all (and your GM
lets you), you can spend points to be higher or lower tech level than the
assigned campaign tech.

Now let’s say that
you want to have a lower tech level than that of the campaign…
Well… okay then…
It’s your choice.
This means that you
start off the campaign with NO KNOWLEDGE of how to use ANYTHING at the
campaigns tech level.
You’re campaign takes
place in late Victorian England (tech level 6)? Your tech level is 2?
Good luck figuring
out indoor plumbing! Hell… Good luck even figuring out books or doors!
You can, however,
learn certain DX-based skills (such as opening those darn doors or how to hold
and fire a weapon, even) in play if there is someone of the correct tech level
around to teach you. However, since you
don’t think the same way as other (higher-tech) players, they can’t teach you
any IQ based tech skills.
In order to obtain
this super special lack of technological knowledge, you get -5 points for each
tech level you plan to loose.
Good for you…

If you plan to have a
higher tech level than your fellow campaigners (and the ability to look down
your nose at these primitive beasts), you must spend 5 points per tech level! This comes in handy big time if you are in a
lower tech level campaign and just so happen to be a doctor!

Moving right along to Language!
Now, GURPS just
assumes that your character is fluent in your native language! (How sweet is
Your fellow
campaigners and gm, however, will need to know what that is so go ahead and
mark it on your character sheet in a similar layout to this “English (Native)
Go on.
Trust me… You want
It will save you time
and a headache later…
Done with that?
Language is a
combination of two parts:
Comprehension levels
and Literacy.
Comprehension level
is basically how well you can function in the foreign language.
How many points you
are going to spend on learning a new language depends largely on your
comprehension level, of which there are 4.
None: Just nod and
smile because this language doesn’t even rustle your hair as it zooms over your
head. It costs zero points to have this non-level.
Broken: You can say
“where is the bathroom?” but you probably won’t understand the answer until the
person you are speaking to slows it down like they are speaking to a toddler.
This means that you are at a -3 when it comes to skills that require or depend
upon language. This costs 1 point for spoken and 1 point for written.
Accented: You can
speak the language but people snicker at you behind your back for how silly you
sound. This gives you a -1 to skills that require or depend on language. This
level costs 2 points for spoken and 2 points for written.
Native: You speak
this language so well that no one would know that you aren’t from there… you
know… except that they’ve never seen you around before… This one has no negatives toward your
language skills and it costs 3 points for spoken and 3 points for written.

Next up we have...
This basically
determines if you can read!

Illiteracy: This is a
written comprehension level of “none”… It basically looks like scribbles and
gibberish to you. You get the previously mentioned -3 disadvantage to your
language rolls. Dang… that sucks.
Semi-literacy: This
is a written comprehension level of “Broken”… you read SUPER slowly! You must
roll against your IQ to understand the most basic things written in this
language. You get the previously mentioned -2 disadvantage to your language
Literacy: This is a
written comprehension level of “accented” or “native”. You can read at full
speed and even understand it! YAY YOU! You still get the -1 disadvantage to
language rolls if you are “accented” though.

On to Wealth and
What does it take to
be wealthy and influential?

I mean…
Wealth is dependent
on the character.
A factory worker in
modern days will be living much more comfortably than a medieval lord even
though the amount of money he has is less.
It’s all variable.
It’s all variable.
Most people will
start off with an “Average” wealth level. This doesn’t cost any character
points and it gives you the average wealth level for your campaign.
Now here’s the fun
Deciding what wealth
level you want to have.
Dead Broke: You own
nothing but the scraps of linen that you call clothing attached to your body.
That’s it. You have no money. You have no property. You have no source of
income at all! You are unable to work, unwilling to work, or can’t friggin find
work! -25 points! Congrats! Go spend them on a shower, a shave, and some food….
You bum.
Poor: You have 1/5 of
the average campaign wealth. You can find some work but no one is willing to
pay you more than pennies! -15 points.
Struggling: You have ½
the average campaign wealth. You can get any job out there… you just won’t make
very much money at all… -10 points.
Average: Your bank
account is completely average in every way. You are the everyman! 0 points
Comfortable: You have
a job but you are living a bit better than the rest of the world. Congrats!
Your starting wealth is double that of the Average campaign wealth! 10 points
Wealthy: You are
sitting pretty at 5x the average starting campaign wealth! Woooo! Go you! 20
Very Wealthy: You get
20x the average campaign starting wealth!!! How are you doing this?!? 30 points
Filthy Rich: At this
point money is probably all your character has going for itself since you are
spending a whopping 50 points on this! The upside, however is that you have
100x the average starting campaign wealth. Congratulations on becoming the
What do you want to
be known for?
The details of your
reputation are 100% up to you! That means you get to use that big, beautiful
brain of yours!
Look at you go!
You are a character
creating machine!
when it comes to your reputation and know that for every +1 to reaction rolls
(up to +4) it costs 5 points and for every -1 to reaction rolls (up to -4) it
is -5 points!
Easy, right?

Now we come to the
last bit of this installment…
Importance (status):
This is you place in
It has its own little distinction from your personal fame and fortune
It has its own little distinction from your personal fame and fortune
Status levels range
from -2 (beggar) to 8 (god-like ruler).
The average status
for most characters is 0 (free man).
For every level above
0 that you raise it will cost you 5 points but going even one level above 0
puts you in a ruling class in YOUR CULTURE ONLY! This means that those from
YOUR CULTURE will defer to you giving you a bonus on reaction rolls.
If you want to go a
level or two below average in status it will be -5 points per level! Save those
points for your advantages and disadvantages!
We will discuss those
next time on:

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