Friday, June 3, 2016

Abusing Final Fantasy VI's Magic Command

Have you ever wondered if you could create an endless chain of magic?
How about finding yourself running low on MP?
Well I’m going to explain how you can create an endless chain of any spell that you want.

winking youre welcome reaction wink flirting

First we’re going to have our entire party learn the spell “Quick”, the Esper, Raiden teaches this spell.

4 Celestraid (Econimizer {SNES})
4 Soul of Thamasa (Gem Box {SNES})

The Soul of Thamasa changes the Magic command to DualCast (X-Magic {SNES})

The Celestraid lowers all spells to a cost of 1 MP per cast

Now that you have done that Equip one of each relic to the entire party, enter a fight and cast IN THIS ORDER:

“Spell to Chain” + Quick

That member will immediately get another turn. Use X-Magic again

“Spell to Chain” + “Spell to Chain”

Quick will not work two casts in a row, so just repeat this cycle and you will be able to feasibly be able to chain 12+ Ultima Spells before the enemy can take a single turn. Have fun breaking the game with these chains.

**NOTE** In the original SNES release of Final Fantasy VI (FFIII)The spell ‘Quick’ could be cast indefinitely so long as the caster had the MP to sustain the chain. This was deemed a glitch and was “fixed” in all future releases of the title.

Now, you must be wondering where do I get these amazing Relics. Well, my friends you are in luck! I happen to have all that wonderful info right here!

Necklace with three star-shaped bangles on its chain.
Reduces the MP cost of all magic to 1.

Special Attribute
Brachosaur {SNES}
Galypdes (Aquila SNES) Glutturn (VI Advance)
Colosseum Bet
Soul of Thamasa

Soul of Thamasa
Ancient Thamasan orb enshrining a wondrous power.
Changes Magic command to DualCast [X-Magic {SNES}]
Special Attribute
Fanatics’ Tower
Glutturn (VI Advance)

Happy hunting and smearing the blood of your enemies all over the walls.

lucy liu quentin tarantino gtkm kill bill tw blood

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