Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Best Friends Day is upon us!

Ladies and Gentlemen

It’s that time of year again, specifically June 8.

For those of you that don’t know, today is National Best Friend Day. 

We all have that one, or two, maybe even three Super Special Friends that you can share absolutely anything with. Those friends that, no matter how long you go without speaking to one another, when you eventually speak again, that everything picks right back up like there was no gap in time. 

In some cases you don’t even have to have met this friend in person.  In this digital age with more and more people playing MMO’s people make friends in the game world.  And those friendships formed in the digital worlds that we are all too fond of can be just as strong, if not stronger in some case than those we make with people we see on a daily basis.  I personally have made many friends through MMO’s, some I might go so far as to call extended family, and I love them all in their own special way.  I’m sure you all as gamers have had similar experiences within games, and also share strong friendships with not just players in your home countries, but internationally as well.

It shouldn’t be called “National Best Friend Day” It’s should be called “ INTERnational Best Friend(s) day”


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