Usually I am not one to give in and throw myself onto the rumor mill in some crazy "I'm-Bringing-Martyr-Back" move. This time? Oh, this time is different (WAY different). As some of you may know, I am a Whovian. Doctor Who has been one of my favorite telly shows for ages and it has gotten me through some crazy rough times. Almost every Whovian has "their doctor"; the Doctor that has touched their lives, that they identify with, or even just one they find most appealing/humorous. Although "My Doctor" is, was, and forever shall be Tom Baker (The 4th regeneration of The Doctor), Matt Smith (Doctor #11) holds a very special place in my heart.

Matt Smith's 11th Doctor brings to mind:
Rainy days at home with my roommate and my kids
the whistle of a kettle
Steamy, milky tea
Fish Fingers and Custard (yes we ate it, yes it was delicious!)
making large batches of chips
marathoning seasons of Doctor Who at a time
running about with sonic screwdrivers and "fighting Daleks"
Warm blankets
Blanket forts
Themed birthday parties
Crying together on the couch when we lost a few of our favorite characters

In fact all of my Matt Smith era memories are fuzzy, warm, and full of emotion and life.
There were, of course, bad times. That is not, however, what we remember in the end. Sometimes I miss those days but here's the news, guys and gals... and all of you in between...
Steven Moffat has hinted that Matt Smith may be reprising his role as the Doctor when the current Doctor (Peter Capaldi #12) leaves.
Steven Moffat has hinted that Matt Smith may be reprising his role as the Doctor when the current Doctor (Peter Capaldi #12) leaves.

In an interview with The Mirror, Moffat stated that Smith was, "quite open about how much he misses it, and how much he wishes he hadn’t left." This, of course does NOT mean that he is going to definitely come back and once again live in our hearts as the Doctor...

The Doctor has never before reverse-regenerated in the entire history of the show. This is not to say that it is not in our future. In the 50th anniversary episode (riddled with cameos, happiness, and sunshine) it was hinted that the Doctor would be "revisiting a few favorites". This can be seen in our current Doctor, Peter Capaldi. He played a character in The Fires of Pompeii and it seemed significant enough to mention after the regeneration that he remembers the face but doesn't know why he picked it.
Whatever the case, I would be happy to have more Smith and more 11 in my life.

Source: ScreenRant, The Mirror
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