Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sneaky like Greninja!

What is your favorite Pokemon?

If you live in Japan, there's a good chance that it is Greninja! 

pokemon pokegraphic ash ketchum satoshi greninja

The people of Japan have been voting in, what they call, the general election to find the country's favorite Pokemon.
After months of voting and tallying those votes, the answer is clear: Greninja is Japan's favorite Pokemon, beating out classics like Pikachu and Squirtle! 

Disney football cheer aladdin cheerleader

The runner-ups were:


If you ask me, Squirtle was a shoe-in and the election was rigged! He didn't even make top 10 like his game-brother Charizard did.

sad depressed squirtle bubbles

Unfortunately, the election also revealed which Pokemon was the least favorite...

We're looking at you Simisear.


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