Saturday, June 25, 2016

Here, Spotmini!

The dog-like robot, Spot, now has a new smaller clone!

Meet SpotMini the  Boston Dynamics "LittleDog" robot!

According to Boston Dynamics, "LittleDog is a quadruped robot designed for research on learning locomotion." We can see it has a large range of motion just from that gif!
More specifics on the site include: "LittleDog has four legs, each powered by three electric motors. The legs have a large range of motion. The robot is strong enough for climbing and dynamic locomotion gaits. The onboard PC-level computer does sensing, actuator control and communications."

"SpotMini" the LittleDog is just one of many robots designed and created by Boston Dynamics! The current list of robot designs is:
LS3 (Legged Squad Support System)

That is such an impressive collection of robots!
Now that we have a better idea of the specs, abilities, and family of "SpotMini", let's take a look at this magnificent robo-puppy in action!

 Now that is super cool!
Could this be the pet of the future?
No allergies to worry about...

Can help with the chores...

Can provide hours of entertainment...

Move over four legged furry friends, here comes SpotMini!

Source: Boston DynamicsNerdist

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