Okay! Welcome back, Gamelings!
We are nearing the home stretch here.
Speaking of stretching, you should do that. Muscle cramps are the worst!
Alright! Let's hit this thing head on! We're almost done!

Missile Weapon (DX/Varies)
Default: Special
This is a collection of skills (one per class of missile weapons). Missile Weapon skills are based on DX, and default to DX-4 if Easy, DX-5 if Average, or DX-6 if Hard.
Beams/lasers (Easy)
Cannon (Easy)
Machine Gun (Easy)
Light Anti-Armor Weapon L.A.W. (Easy)
Light Anti-Armor Weapon L.A.W. (Easy)
Pistol (Easy)
Rifle (Easy)
Shotgun (Easy)
Submachine Gun (Easy)
Flamethrower (Easy)
Flamethrower (Easy)
Blowpipe (DX/Hard)
Blowpipe (DX/Hard)
Bow (DX/Average)
Crossbow (DX/Easy)
Natural Sciences/TL (IQ/Hard)
Default: IQ-6
This skill is the knowledge of sciences such as biology, astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, etc. If you can think of a science that you believe fits this skill, talk to your GM and let them decide.
Naturalist (IQ/Hard)
Default: IQ-6
This is basically your knowledge of the land and it's plant life and wildlife. You know which plants are poisonous, which are tasty, and which ones turn your tongue purple!
Navigation/TL (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
You can navigate your way through any terrain using maps, instruments, etc. Various types of Navigation include: Sea, Air, Land, Space, and Hyperspace. A successful roll tells you where you are or lets you plot a course.
Observation (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This skill lets you observe interesting or dangerous situations without being seen.
Occultism (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This skill is the study of the mysterious and supernatural.
Photography/TL (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This is the ability to use a camera competently and to produce recognizable and attractive photos.
Physician/TL (IQ/Hard)
Default: IQ-7
The ability lets you treat the ill and injured and prescribe medication and care. Make a skill roll to hasten natural recovery from injury and whenever the GM requires a roll to test general medical competence or knowledge.
Pickpocket (DX/Hard)
Default: DX-6
This skill lets you steal things off of someone's person or plant something on them without them noticing.
Public Speaking (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This skill gives you a general natural talent with spoken word.
Research/TL (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This skill is the ability to be a successful bookworm and library regular. Roll against skill to find a useful piece of data in an appropriate place of research if the information is there to be found.
Riding (DX/Average)
Default: DX-5
This skill gives you the ability to ride a specific kind of mount. Make a skill roll when you first try to mount a riding animal, and again each time something happens to frighten or challenge the creature.
Scrounging (IQ/Easy)
Default: IQ-4
This is the ability to find, salvage, or improvise useful items that others can’t locate. Each attempt takes an hour.
Search (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This skill gives you the ability to search in, on, under, and around areas to find things that aren't in plain sight. The GM rolls once per item of interest. For deliberately concealed items, this is a Quick Contest of your Search skill vs. the Holdout or Smuggling skill used to hide the item. If you fail, the GM simply says, “You found nothing.”
Shadowing (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This skill gives you the ability to follow a person through a crowd without being seen. Roll a Quick Contest every 10 minutes: your Shadowing vs. the subject’s Vision roll. If you lose, you lost the subject; if you lose by more than 5, you were seen.
Shield (DX/Easy)
Default: DX-4
This is the ability to use a shield, both to block and to attack.
Social Sciences (IQ/Hard)
Default: IQ-6
Each Social Science (Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, etc.) is it's own skill so add them separately.
Smuggling (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This is the ability to conceal items in baggage and vehicles.Roll against skill to hide an item from casual inspection. In an active search, the searchers must win a Quick Contest of Search vs. your Smuggling skill to find the item.
Stealth (DX/Average)
Defaults: DX-5
This skill lets you go practically anywhere without being seen or heard. A successful roll lets you conceal yourself practically anywhere, or move so quietly that nobody will hear you, or follow someone without being noticed.
Survival (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This is the ability to live off the land, find safe food and water, avoid hazards, build shelter, etc. To live safely in a wilderness situation, you must make a successful Survival roll once per day. Failure inflicts 2d-4 injury on you and anyone in your care.
Swimming (HT/Easy)
Default: HT-4
This is your ability to stay afloat in emergency situations or skill in traversing the watery terrain. Roll against the higher of Swimming or HT to avoid fatigue or injury due to aquatic misfortunes.
Tactics (IQ/Hard)
Default: IQ-6
This is the ability to outguess and outmaneuver the enemy in small-unit or personal combat. On a success, you start the fight in an advantageous position as determined by the GM.
Throwing (DX/Average)
Default: DX-3
This is the ability to throw any small, relatively smooth object that fits in the palm of your hand.
Thrown Weapon (DX/Easy)
Default: DX-4
Tracking (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This is the skill that allows you to follow an animal or man by the tracks they leave or the plants that they disturb. Make a Tracking roll to pick up the trail, then roll every 15 minutes to avoid losing it, at a modifier ranging from 0 for soft terrain to -6 for city streets.
Traps/TL (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This skill enables you to build and safely nullify traps!
Vehicle Skills (DX/Varies)
Default: Varies
Vehicle skills default to DX at -4 (easy), -5 (average), or -6 (hard); motor vehicles also default to IQ, at similar penalties.
Available types:
Bicycling (DX/Easy)
Boating (DX/Average)
Driving (DX/Average)
Piloting (DX/Average)
Submarine (DX/Average)
Writing (IQ/Average)
Default: IQ-5
This skill means that you can write in a clear or entertaining manner. A successful roll
means the work is readable and accurate.
Guess what, buddies!
We made it! We did it!
It drove us all a bit batty for a while...

But it's done now!
Now all you have to do is buy your armor, weapons, and whatever else you want to carry with you on your journey!
I will create a masterpost and link to all of the tutorials part 1-7B!
Just search for "Masterpost" in the search bar over our Instagram feed.
Just search for "Masterpost" in the search bar over our Instagram feed.

Thank you all for coming on this journey with me!
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