Ladies and gentlemen,
Boys and girls,
We have come to the Disadvantage (disad) post of our character creation tutorial series.
"What is the definition of a disadvantage?"
Boys and girls,
We have come to the Disadvantage (disad) post of our character creation tutorial series.
"What is the definition of a disadvantage?"
Well the GURPS manual defines a disadvantage as:
"a problem or imperfection that renders you less capable than
your attributes, advantages, and skills
would indicate."
"Why would I want to give my character disadvantages?"
Well other than REALISM...
Disadvantages have negative point costs!
Well other than REALISM...
Disadvantages have negative point costs!
That means that you get more points to put into your character elsewhere!
The GM will usually put a cap on the disadvantages you can give your character.
A good rule of thumb for GMs is 50% of the total point cost.
Example: If the total character point allowance is 80 points and your GM has set the disad limit at 50%, you get -40 points for disads!
Other restrictions on disads would be:
Negated Disadvantages:
You cannot take a disadvantage that one of your advantages would negate!
Example: you have Acute Hearing, you cannot also have Hard of Hearing.
Villain Disadvantages:
Some disads are just not "hero" material. I mean, a hero with Intolerance isn't much of a hero at all. The GM is free to deny them to characters. They are, however, found in villain characters.

Some mental disads don’t affect you all of the time those disads give you a chance to control your urges. These will be marked with a "*". In circumstances likely to trigger your problem, roll 3d against a target number of 12. A roll
of 12 or less means you succeed and shrugoff your urge. A roll of 13 or higher means you fail and suffer its effects!
This is a self-control roll.
You never have to roll!
It’s actually good roleplaying (and a heck of a lot more interesting) to give in willingly.
It’s actually good roleplaying (and a heck of a lot more interesting) to give in willingly.
Alright, brace yourselves...
it's time for the list of disadvantages...

it's time for the list of disadvantages...

Bad Sight:
You have bad eyesight. This gives you a -6 to vision rolls and a -2 to your hit in combat. If the campaign (or your character) is at a tech level high enough to correct it (with glasses or contact lenses) this disad costs -10 character points. If your tech level is too low to correct it, it costs -25!
*Bad Temper:
You are not in control of your emotions! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! In any stressful situation you must make a self-control roll. If you fail the roll, you must insult, attack, or act out against the cause of the stress. This is -10 points!
*Bad Temper:
You are not in control of your emotions! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! In any stressful situation you must make a self-control roll. If you fail the roll, you must insult, attack, or act out against the cause of the stress. This is -10 points!
You want your enemies dead.
You want your enemies dead.
DEAD dead.
No matter what...
This means that all, or the majority of your attacks must be killing blows and you will put in extra shots just to make sure you have really killed them.
Whenever you are in any situation with your enemy (accepting surrender, taking a prisoner, waiting behind them in line at Starbucks while they take forever figuring out what they want) you must roll a self-control roll. If you fail the roll, you try to kill them... even if that means breaking the law, compromising stealth, wasting ammo, violating orders, or pouring insane amounts of boiling-hot coffee down their throats. The chance to go ballistic in your friendly neighborhood Starbucks costs -10 points.
No matter what...
This means that all, or the majority of your attacks must be killing blows and you will put in extra shots just to make sure you have really killed them.
Whenever you are in any situation with your enemy (accepting surrender, taking a prisoner, waiting behind them in line at Starbucks while they take forever figuring out what they want) you must roll a self-control roll. If you fail the roll, you try to kill them... even if that means breaking the law, compromising stealth, wasting ammo, violating orders, or pouring insane amounts of boiling-hot coffee down their throats. The chance to go ballistic in your friendly neighborhood Starbucks costs -10 points.

Code of Honor:
This is a personal "code" of ethics that you stick to. The specifics can vary but the intentions must be "Honorable".
This is a personal "code" of ethics that you stick to. The specifics can vary but the intentions must be "Honorable".
An informal code that applies only among your peers is worth -5 points.
A formal code that applies only among peers, or an informal one that applies all the time, is worth -10 points.
A formal Code that applies all the time, or that requires suicide if broken, is worth -15 points.
Now, everyone is a little bit curious. A normal character might ask questions like, "Where does this hallway lead?" or "What is that light up ahead?" But you? No. That simply won't do. You ask the real questions like, "What does this mildly poisonous plant taste like?" and "Is the fur on this angry lion's nose softer than the fur on it's tail?" You can make a self-control roll. If you fail, you investigate even though you KNOW it could be very dangerous and potentially deadly. (Again, you never HAVE to roll... just keep things interesting and assume that you are gonna pet that hangry lion on the nose.) This costs -5 points
Now, everyone is a little bit curious. A normal character might ask questions like, "Where does this hallway lead?" or "What is that light up ahead?" But you? No. That simply won't do. You ask the real questions like, "What does this mildly poisonous plant taste like?" and "Is the fur on this angry lion's nose softer than the fur on it's tail?" You can make a self-control roll. If you fail, you investigate even though you KNOW it could be very dangerous and potentially deadly. (Again, you never HAVE to roll... just keep things interesting and assume that you are gonna pet that hangry lion on the nose.) This costs -5 points
You believe a few things that are just not
You believe a few things that are just not
There are a couple of levels of just how delusional you really are:
A Minor Delusion affects your behavior, and anyone around you will soon notice it (and react at -1), but it does not keep you from functioning more-or-less normally. -5 points.
A Major Delusion strongly affects your behavior, but does not keep you from living a fairly normal life. Others will react to you at -2. -10 points.
A Severe Delusion affects your behavior so much that it may keep you from functioning in the everyday world. Others react to you at -3, but they are more likely to fear or pity you than to attack. -15 points.
Good food and drink are the true loves of your life. You must ALWAYS have an abundance of them in your stores. If you are presented with a piece of food or drink that you should (or NEED to) resist, you can make a self-control roll. If you fail, you gobble it down despite the consequences. This costs -5 points.
Good food and drink are the true loves of your life. You must ALWAYS have an abundance of them in your stores. If you are presented with a piece of food or drink that you should (or NEED to) resist, you can make a self-control roll. If you fail, you gobble it down despite the consequences. This costs -5 points.
You lust for wealth. You will literally do anything to obtain it.Whenever riches are offered (even if it's a trap) you can make a self-control roll. If you fail, you might almost die, but you got that gold, dammit! Small sums do not tempt you as much if you are already rich, but if you are poor you will pretty much chew your arm off to get those riches! Good for you...
This costs -15 points.
Hard of Hearing:
You're not deaf but you have some hearing loss.
You have -4 on any hearing roll or any roll where it is imperative that you understand someone.
Go ahead and take that -10 points while you walk into that cave that we told you not to go into.
You lust for wealth. You will literally do anything to obtain it.Whenever riches are offered (even if it's a trap) you can make a self-control roll. If you fail, you might almost die, but you got that gold, dammit! Small sums do not tempt you as much if you are already rich, but if you are poor you will pretty much chew your arm off to get those riches! Good for you...
This costs -15 points.
Hard of Hearing:
You're not deaf but you have some hearing loss.
You have -4 on any hearing roll or any roll where it is imperative that you understand someone.
Go ahead and take that -10 points while you walk into that cave that we told you not to go into.

You must obey the law, and do your best to get others to do so as well. In a lawless area, you do not get to just go crazy. You act as though the laws of your own home were in force. You also assume that others are honest and good unless you know otherwise.
Make a self-control roll whenever you are faced with the choice to break an unreasonable law. If you fail, you MUST obey the law no matter what the consequences. If you succeed, you break the law but must roll a self-control roll afterward. If the second roll is failed, you must turn yourself over to the authorities with haste. This little lovely bit of glory will get you -10 points.
You have no patience for thinking it out or conversation. You are a doer! If you are alone, you just act without putting thought into anything. If you are a part of a larger group and you MUST talk it through, you do so quickly and get to the action. Make a self-control roll whenever it would be BEST to wait, think, or talk it out. If you fail, you MUST act immediately. This bit of fun will cost -10 points.
You dislike, distrust, and have a general prejudice against someone, someones, or anyone and everyone!
Other players or NPCs will react at -1 to -5 depending on just how much of a prick you are (This is up to the GM, of course).
Other players or NPCs will react at -1 to -5 depending on just how much of a prick you are (This is up to the GM, of course).
Thoroughly intolerant you react at -3 toward anyone not of your own class, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or species (pick one). Total Intolerance of this kind is worth -10 points.
Specific Intolerance aimed at one particular class, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sex, or species is worth from -5 points (commonly encountered victim) to -1 point (are victim).
You have to be the very best
Like no one ever was

Ahem... Sorry...
You get super upset if anyone seems better than you in any way! You reject any plans made by someone "better" than you and hate when they are the center of attention. If an NPC is jealous, the GM will apply a reaction penalty of -2 to -4 toward the people the NPC is jealous of. This will get you -10 points.
You have to be the very best
Like no one ever was

Ahem... Sorry...
You get super upset if anyone seems better than you in any way! You reject any plans made by someone "better" than you and hate when they are the center of attention. If an NPC is jealous, the GM will apply a reaction penalty of -2 to -4 toward the people the NPC is jealous of. This will get you -10 points.
You hit on everyone and everything.You can't help it. You even spout a few lines at yourself in the mirror. Make a self-control roll whenever you are near (for more than a passing moment) a member of the sex that your character finds attractive.
If the other person is Handsome/Beautiful you get -5 slapped onto that roll.
If the other person is Very Handsome/Very Beautiful you get -10 slapped onto the roll.
All of this debauchery costs -15 points.
You hit on everyone and everything.You can't help it. You even spout a few lines at yourself in the mirror. Make a self-control roll whenever you are near (for more than a passing moment) a member of the sex that your character finds attractive.
If the other person is Handsome/Beautiful you get -5 slapped onto that roll.
If the other person is Very Handsome/Very Beautiful you get -10 slapped onto the roll.
All of this debauchery costs -15 points.
Your life has one mission and you will not rest until it is fulfilled!
Make a self-control roll whenever it would be BEST to deviate from your goal. If you fail, you must continue on your quest despite what that may mean for you, your party, and your campaign.
If your obsession is a Short-Term Goal, it costs -5 points.
If your obsession is a Long-Term Goal, it costs -10 points.
Your life has one mission and you will not rest until it is fulfilled!
Make a self-control roll whenever it would be BEST to deviate from your goal. If you fail, you must continue on your quest despite what that may mean for you, your party, and your campaign.
If your obsession is a Short-Term Goal, it costs -5 points.
If your obsession is a Long-Term Goal, it costs -10 points.
You believe that you are far better at something than you really are. Make a self-control roll every time the GM thinks you are being too cautious. If you fail you MUST continue as if you are DEFINITELY able to handle the situation. Fake it til you make it, people!
You receive +2 to reaction rolls made by young or naive characters who believe you to be the superhero you think you are. However you receive -2 to reaction rolls made by people who know better.
This all costs -5 points.
You abhor and (attempt to) abstain from violence.
You are either:
You abhor and (attempt to) abstain from violence.
You are either:
Reluctant Killer: You get -4 to hit a person (only people) with a deadlyattack, or -2 if you can’t see his face. If you kill someone, roll 3d – you’re morose anduseless for that many days. -5 points.
One Who Cannot Harm Innocents: You may fight – you may even start fights – but you may only use deadly force on a foe that is attempting to do you serious harm. -10 points.
A “phobia” is a fear. The more common an object or situation, the greater the point value is for a fear of it. If you have a phobia, you may only temporarily master it by making a successful self-control roll. Even if you master a phobia, you will be at -2 to all IQ, DX, and skill rolls while the cause of your fear is present, and you must roll again every 10 minutes to see if the fear overcomes you. If you fail the self-control roll, you will probably pee your pants and cry like a little baby. Heck, even the THREAT of the phobia requires a self-control roll at +4.
Some common phobias are:
Blood (Hemophobia): -10 points.
Darkness (Scotophobia): -15 points.
Heights (Acrophobia): -10 points.
Number 13 (Triskaidekaphobia): Roll at
-5 if Friday the 13th is involved! -5 points.
Spiders (Arachnophobia): -5 points.
Sense of Duty:
You feel a strong commitment to a person or group of people. There is nothing that you won't do for them and you could NEVER abandon them. The point value is based on the size of the group your commitment is aimed at.
You feel a strong commitment to a person or group of people. There is nothing that you won't do for them and you could NEVER abandon them. The point value is based on the size of the group your commitment is aimed at.
Individual: -2 points.
Small Group: -5 points.
Large Group: -10 points.
Entire Race: -15 points.
Every Living Being: -20 points.
You cannot and WILL not tell a lie. Make a self-control roll whenever you must keep silent about something. Roll at -5 if you actually have to tell a lie! If you fail, you blurt out the truth. You have a permanent -5 to Fast-Talk skill, and your Acting skill is at -5 when your purpose is to deceive. This gets you -5 points.
You cannot and WILL not tell a lie. Make a self-control roll whenever you must keep silent about something. Roll at -5 if you actually have to tell a lie! If you fail, you blurt out the truth. You have a permanent -5 to Fast-Talk skill, and your Acting skill is at -5 when your purpose is to deceive. This gets you -5 points.
Your party should probably leave you behind when they head into that casino. You have HORRIBLE luck! I'm talking "fall through a window into a pot of lemon juice and getting out to roll in salt" kind of luck. Once per play session, the GM will arbitrarily and maliciously make something go wrong for you. The GM is not allowed to kill you with "death by bad luck" but pretty much anything north of death is fair game! This crap-shoot is -10 points.
Your party should probably leave you behind when they head into that casino. You have HORRIBLE luck! I'm talking "fall through a window into a pot of lemon juice and getting out to roll in salt" kind of luck. Once per play session, the GM will arbitrarily and maliciously make something go wrong for you. The GM is not allowed to kill you with "death by bad luck" but pretty much anything north of death is fair game! This crap-shoot is -10 points.
I know what you are thinking...
Trust me.. I do..
"But a vow is a good thing, right?"
Suuuuuuuure. I mean... it CAN be...
But let's just say that your vow was to never ever in your entire life drink water until someone has had some first and, oh no, you're all alone. Guess who shrivels up and dies from being dehydrated. Yep. You! The GM is the final judge on point value but it is basically put on a scale of how inconvenient it is for you!
I know what you are thinking...
Trust me.. I do..
"But a vow is a good thing, right?"
Suuuuuuuure. I mean... it CAN be...
But let's just say that your vow was to never ever in your entire life drink water until someone has had some first and, oh no, you're all alone. Guess who shrivels up and dies from being dehydrated. Yep. You! The GM is the final judge on point value but it is basically put on a scale of how inconvenient it is for you!
Minor Vow: Silence during daylight hours; vegetarianism; chastity; or something itty bitty like that.. -5 points.
Major Vow: Use no edged weapons; keep silence at all times; never sleep indoors; own no more than your horse can carry; or other semi-crazy vows. -10 points.
Great Vow: Never refuse any request for aid; always fight with the wrong hand; hunt a given foe until you destroy him; challenge every knight you meet to combat; or something else insane (here's looking at you Waterboy...). -15 points
Guess what.
You did it!
We made it through!
Now pick and choose which disads fit your character, throw them up onto your character sheet, gather up all of those extra points, spend 'em, and (as always) check with your GM!
Next time we will cover Quirks and some Skills.
(Skills will be broken up into 2 posts because hot damn there are a lot of them)
Guess what.
You did it!
We made it through!
Now pick and choose which disads fit your character, throw them up onto your character sheet, gather up all of those extra points, spend 'em, and (as always) check with your GM!
Next time we will cover Quirks and some Skills.
(Skills will be broken up into 2 posts because hot damn there are a lot of them)
See you next time, Gamelings.
I need a nap!
I need a nap!
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